Frisdee is a student-run recreational ultimate frisbee club that is open to all students at RISD, and hosts games regularly all year long, during the day and at night. Mei Lenehan and I were asked to create a logo and basic identity for this new club that was friendly, engaging, and active. The logo we designed has two colors, a yellow and a purple that can be utilized to indicate whether the frisbee game will be held during the day or night. The visual system of the colors are reflected in the sample posters below as well, to better distinguish between the two types of games: day games will most likely be outdoors, on a grass field; night games would be held either indoors during the colder months or outdoors with glow-in-the-dark frisbees. The curvature of the letters in the logo is a nod to the motion of a frisbee throw. Additionally, the dot over the "i" becomes the "frisbee" that is tossed out after the double "e"s. 


Frisdee, Design Guild commission, created with Mei Lenehan Spring 2016
