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Mosaic: Animal spirit guides for native americans

American Indians know to respect Nature and kill only what we eat and use every part of the animal.  We do not waste life nor disrespect their spirits but honor and thank them for providing us with life and comfort.  We ask our spirit guides to lead us to the spirit of the animal we killed for food so that we may pray in thanksgiving to its spirit.  We honor their cousins by leaving a gift where the animal fell. 

Today, as in the old days, American Indians give special recognition to the power of the animal spirits.  We wear their skins and feathers in ceremony and dance. We paint them on our bodies and carry parts of them in our medicine bags.  We paint the animals on our homes and wear animal fetishes. 

These practices allow us to remain connected to the animal guides so they may teach us their powers and give as lessons of life.  These acts remind us that all things in creation are our brothers, sisters, cousins, and more importantly, our teachers and friends.   As humans, we too are animal spirits. 

The Lion
When Lion energy presents itself into your life it comes with uncommon strength and vitality. Lion often appears to a person who needs to reclaim their space and take back a leadership role in life. Alternatively the Lion Spirit Animal finds itself attracted to people who are brave and outspoken with leadership potential.

The Owl
The owl is emblematic of a deep connection with wisdom and intuitive knowledge. If you have the owl as totem or power animal, you’re likely to have the ability to see what’s usually hidden to most. When the spirit of this animal guides you, you can see the true reality, beyond illusion and deceit. The owl also offers for those who have it a personal totem the inspiration and guidance necessary to deeply explore the unknown and the magic of life.

The Deer
Native Americans see the Deer Spirit as a bit of a comedian. This creature’s agile mind catches on to little things and turns them into something humorous. Deer has an acute awareness of self and a very welcoming personality that inspires people in his or her circle.

The Eagle
American Indians see the eagle as a sacred messenger that carries prayers to the Creator and returns with gifts and visions.  We use eagles feathers to connect to this majestic and powerful spirit guide as we know the eagle feather holds cleansing and healing powers.  The eagle is seen by many cultures as a symbol of courage, vision, strength and endurance.

You do not choose a Spirit Guide as your personal spirit guide.  The Spirit chooses you and they decide to whom they will reveal themselves and make their friend.
The Full Project
Lion colored sketch
Flying Owl colored sketch
Deer colored sketch
Bald Eagle colored sketch
Lion detailed 1
lion detailed 2
Bald Eagle detailed
Mosaic: Animal spirit guides for native americans
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Mosaic: Animal spirit guides for native americans

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