Thom van Esveld 的个人资料

Rollercoaster India

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion, the main focus is to love all that is living. This kind woman saw that i was looking around for a subject to shoot, with a smile on her face she came to me and offered to be photographed, using only sign language . This simple gesture showed how altruist this people are, putting others small moment of happiness in first place.
Priest proudly guarding his temple
Palace guard
Didi. This woman saved 6 children from a snow storm in the Himalaayans, as a consequence of the cold she got arthrosis pratically on her whole body. Now, she has a orphanage with 30 trully happy children.
Two orphans playing hide and seek
Desert gypsy running away with his new gifts
This old technique is used by the desert people and the end of the day to "perfume" the camels, the smoke draws away any bugs and mosquitos.
Taking a break from the exausting desert heat in the shadow
Unfortunetly how must children live.
A family waiting for the train
Desert sunrise after a huge night storm
Rollercoaster India

Rollercoaster India

This images are a very small insight of what I saw in my 15 trip to India.

