ipod nano 3:  the oldest is best to me. this old ipod has many old songs which I listened to as a middle and high school student. it helps me to go back my childhood and give and inspires my memory  /  headphones: ensures my own time by blocking noise and enjoying music  /  pristine baseball: watching sports games gets rid of my stress also energizes me  /  passport: adventure time is always good to me and express my identity  /  fuji camera x70: to memorize my precious moments  /  kinfolk magazine: my goal of life is similar with the spirit of the Kinfolk magazine  /  coffee capsule: coffee wakes me up /  perfume: a great scent makes my day wonderful 

and I LOVE nature
Semantic Still Life

Semantic Still Life

Much of the practice of graphic design has to do with the making of meaning by manipulating signs and symbols, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, sign 閱讀更多
