Graduate work for university
Poster series for the State Biology Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev in Moscow
The core of every poster is an illustration of birds that are exhibited in the museum plus an exhibition bird of the year they have every year. This time it was about hoopoe birds.

Photos of the exhibitions and processes of making bitmap images for the posters.
Hoopoe was a bird of the year in the museum and there was an exhibition dedicated to it.
The four posters are made to represent seasons and to be used during them.
From left to right: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
bird posters

bird posters

Дипломная работа. Серия плакатов для Государственного биологического музея имени К. А. Тимирязева. В основе каждого плаката – иллюстрация с птица Read More
