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Whale Friendly Tours 友善賞鯨

【 絕美鯨豚,橫空出海 】一起來友善賞鯨吧!

臺灣海域可以看到31種鯨豚,佔全球 1/3 種類,可惜島上大部份的居民並不了解神秘的鯨豚,也不知道出海賞鯨時該遵守什麼樣的規範,才不會打擾牠們。賞鯨規範並沒有法律約束力,加上船商的同業競爭,很難落實,遊客與船商在賞鯨時常常會間接、無意的傷害到鯨豚,於是我們決定與中華鯨豚協會合作,以插圖及資訊圖表的形式,製作一份兼具「美」和「知識性」的作品,讓大家能輕鬆愉快的認識鯨豚,進而願意了解、遵守賞鯨規範!

There are 31 kinds of whales and dolphins in Taiwan waters, almost 1/3 part of the world’s species. However, most people don’t understand these mysterious creature and the standard of whale -watching. The whale-watching standard is hard to carry out because it don’t have legal effect and the competition between whale-watching ships is fierce. As a result, we decided to make a series of beautiful and educational infographic, making people to be familiar with whales and dolphins, moreover, following the whale- watching standard.
|   SKETCH   |
一開始以實體摺頁手冊形式作為發想,在構圖排版上以跨頁的形式設計。後續考量了傳播效益,則先改製成適合在 Facebbok 上觀看的單頁資訊圖形式,實體摺頁手冊將規劃在後續的計畫裡,未來將包含互動網站、實體系列商品等一起推出。

We illustrated this work for printing concertina books in the beginning, as a result, the layout is formed with reverse side of one page and front side of the next page.Considering the effect of the internet, we published single infographic by Facebook albums.In the future, we’ll create a series of works about whales and dolphins, including concertina book, responsive web pages and merchandise.
|   LAYOUT   |
01 -  Whale-friendly Tours
02 - The introduction of Kuroshio Current.
03 - Talking about dolphins’ ancestar and the source of its Chinese name ‘’hai-tun’'.
04 - To compare fish with whales and dolphins.
05 - What should people wear to go whale-watching and how to find whales and dolphins.
06 - The introduction of Stenella longirostris.
07 - The introduction of Lagenodelphis hosei.
08 - The introduction of Grampus griseus.
09 - The introduction of Orcinus orca.
10 - The introduction of Megaptera novaeangliae.
11 - To compare human and Megaptera novaeangliae.
12 - The introduction of Physeter macrocephalus.
13 - The introduction of Ambergris.
14 - What can we do for whales and dolphins ?
15 - To explain the whale-watching standard, including the appropriate distance and speed.
16 - To explain the whale-watching standard, including the appropriate distance and speed.
17 - Wrong behaviors during whale-watching tours.
18 - You can choose those qualified whale-watching ships.
19 - The easiest way to save whales and dolphins is not to use plastics
20 - We listed these ways for you to protect whales and dolphins
|   GIF   |

Client :中華鯨豚協會  Taiwan Cetacean Society
Directed by :圖文不符簡訊設計
Design & Art :  曾敏雅  Mia Zeng
PM & Copy:何田田  Tian-Tian Ho
GIF :   水人 Water Chen , 劉承杰  Jie Liou , 許藹雯  Ia Wun Hsu
Release  :  Aug.2016

Whale Friendly Tours 友善賞鯨

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Whale Friendly Tours 友善賞鯨

There are 31 kinds of whales and dolphins in Taiwan waters, almost 1/3 part of the world’s species. However, most people don’t understand these m Lue lisää
