This is Mr. Pam Pam a half human size full body puppet played with real persons hands. Mr PamPam  became the living, breathing ERP system mascot  a mini ERP software solution, I implemented and used to induce a different dispositional state. He was born from a kitchen mop and an old shirt of mine - on the eve of the first training sessions and go live - in the face of open hostility and distrust. He opened  up a new field of understanding in the face or resistance to a new IT system.

The system had visible  performance metrics and  tracking - which the Management wisely forego to use - but the mere existence of this created much hostility and distrust.

Mr PamPam started a fashion, a movement and brought the human element into spin. Once he poked his head into the conference room to take over the training - and earned his first laugh - 6 month of tension - resistance and fight vanished - melted into a feeling of togetherness, ability and group learning.
Monsieur Pam Pam, hand puppet, cloth, metal, life size
Puppets and Marionettes
1989 - 1996



String puppets, full body puppets, good
