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DXB202 QUT l Week 8 l Macrophotography

Macrophotography is this week’s focus. Macrophotography does not only include frames with zoomed in focus elements creating realistic effects but also zoomed in focus of elements shown in detail.
This week’s experimentation was to focus on creating optical illusions through the camera angle and focus. Using the natural environment and objects around a common household, students were encouraged to experiment with different equipment and angles.

From something so small, macrophotography could be used to outline its beauty and specialty. An inspiration is Alexey Klijatov. So detailed and refined, from the photographer's art style, I could see that the images taken must have take a lot of time and effort which really admires me. It is also compatible with my style of art. 
(Kljatov, 2013)
Day 1 Image 1: Theme of Disgust
Canon ISO 320 f2.8 1/160s 90mm

The photo was taken with the emotion of disgust. The word was very hard to express using figurines. Thus, a storyline was thought up to display the emotion. The figurines were acted out where the frame was taken at different angles through trial and error.

It was my first time experimenting with macro-photography. It was a new experience and I was very satisfied with the outcome of the photo. The image looked realistic and the definition was very focused.

Focusing and zooming in of the photo was much more harder than expected. It actually took time and patience to focus on the position that I wanted to capture. From this, I learnt that in order to succeed in macrophotography, trial and error is necessary. I also realised, the angle of where the photo is taken is important.
Day 2 Image 2: Theme of Disgust
Canon ISO320 f2.8 1/160s 90mm

I tried to utilise different natural environments to capture real life locations.

Continuation of the theme of disgust but with a different storyline.

It was fun creating new scenarios and working with the limited environment and equipment that we had at tutorial. I realised it actually took a lot more effort to set up before the shoot than it looked in photos.
Day 3 Image 3: Money Tree
iphone 6 plus

The photo was taken around a 45 degree angle with flash taken around in natural lighting after a rainy day. The image was edited to sharpen the main petals of the plant, blurred its surrounding and increased the contrast. The overall picture was brighten in complexion.

This plant is seen commonly at Chinese households. It represents ‘money coming in’ thus, the plant is also known as the ‘money plant’.

The image was not as focused as I hoped it would be. It would have been more satisfying if the background was darker compared to the plant itself but I did not have enough skills on Photoshop to achieve the editing.
Day 4 Image 4: House Plant
iphone 6 plus

The image was taken in a dim setting with flash. The image was darkened through editing. The photo had to be taken several times to capture the best angle of the leaves.

Even when the plant is located at a place with not much sunlight and is rarely taken care, the plant still survives.

It was harder to capture the details of the leaves in dim artificial lighting even with flash. Even with different angles, it was hard to capture the details on the leaves.
Day 5 Image 5: Theme of Disgust
Canon ISO100 f/4  1/250s 90mm

The photo was taken during tutorial with my team mates. The location of the set was under a bench designed as an alleyway. From a continuation of the theme but from a different angle and scene.

The scene has the same story as the first image, with the theme of cheating of the same gender. I wanted to continue on with theme but from a different angle thus, with the image telling another story.

It was very difficult to capture this image because of its location and the weather. As the characters were really small, they were blown over consistently from the strong wind. Along with them situated underneath a bench, it was hard to capture the image from another angle but at 180 degrees.
Kljatov, A. (2013). Snowflakes [Image]. Retrieved September 17, 2016, from,
DXB202 QUT l Week 8 l Macrophotography

DXB202 QUT l Week 8 l Macrophotography

@oneperday QUT DXB202 l Week 8 l Macrophotography
