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DXB202 QUT l Week 6 l Portraits and Lighting

Continuing on from photography, this week’s focus is on portraits and lighting. From this week’s focus, we learn the importance of lighting and techniques where the mood and tone can be changed.

With different lightings and angles, a mood and identity can be created from photography. For this week’s tutorial, students had to experiment with different lightings, equipment and techniques to create portraits. With most of my photography experience based on scenery, I hardly take people photography. Thus, this week will be a good experience for me to experiment new techniques and skills through lighting changes through the quote, “obsessed with light,” by Arena, 2013.

Besim Mazhiqi is a photographer with captivating images. From his lighting, to angle and style; his style is very compatible to my preference. Its simple yet colourful designs are unique and eye-catching. The background is not overcrowded so the audience is only focused on one thing.  

(Mazhiqi, n.d.)
Day 1 Image 1: Bamboo Plant
Canon ISO 400 f/5.6 1/60s 18-50@24mm

The image was taken crouching down with the camera around a 45 degree angle. The distance between the camera and plant was close up and the focus was on the stem. Contrast and brightness was increased and decrease a little to give the stem more definition and shadow.

As part of a Chinese family, there are many superstitions for everything from wealth, peace, happiness and wellbeing etc. This bamboo plant represents peace and luck. The plant is also known to clarify the air.

It was actually harder to take the picture with a good angle from where the plant was located. Since the plant was unable to be moved, I had a difficult time finding a perfect angle to showcase the plant.
Day 2 Image 2: Home Painting
Canon ISO400 f/4 1/60s 18-55@24mm

With an upward angle, the image was taken in a dim lighting with flash.

I wanted to showcase the painting and its authenticity. I wanted to integrate my culture with this week’s task so I decided a Chinese art style painting would best represent the artistry I wanted. 

Although the photo was satisfactory, I wish I had taken more photos from different angles to secure the best frame.
Day 3 Image 3: The Lettuce
Canon ISO400 f/4 1/60s 18-55@25mm

The photo was taken through several angles to capture the image above. There was no editing done. 

It was one of the first plant I experimented with for lighting so I was really proud of myself that the picture came out really well. 

I was really satisfied with the photo taken since I did not have to do any editing. 
Day 4 Image 4: Brisbane
Iphone 6 plus

The photo was taken at night. As the sign is fairly large, the photo had to be taken from a far distance. A few tries had to be taken to select the best angle for the sign. The only editing done to the photo was darkening of the background to make the words stand out.

It represents the city. Usually there is not much city structures or any cityscapes that represents Brisbane. That’s why I found this picture to be very unique and beautiful in representing the city.

I was very happy with the photo I took. Not much editing had to be done. An improvement would be focusing more on the details of the words but because the image has to be taken from such a far distance, the details could not be recorded.
Day 5 Image 5: Portrait
Canon ISO400

The background lights were set up behind the chair after the lights had turned off. From then, the model remained in a the same pose as photos were taken. Images were taken from different angles. The distance of the lights were also changed to create different angles of shadows and definition.

It was my first time working with lighting and portraits so it was a new experiment for me. The image is one of my first time experience working with portraits and lighting.

Even with the model posing and lighting set ready to shoot, it was actually harder than I thought to capture the right angle and focus. I realised I had to go around from different angles and focus to find the right frame.
Mazhiqi, B. (n.d.). Bicycle [Image]. Retrieved from September 15, 2016, from
DXB202 QUT l Week 6 l Portraits and Lighting

DXB202 QUT l Week 6 l Portraits and Lighting

@oneperday QUT DXB202 l Week 6 l Portraits and Lighting


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