Simran Mongas profil

Reminisce - Ludo Wedding Invitation

Almost a decade has passed since my sister moved abroad to build her career. Although we're a well knit family, distances have been hard on us and memories of our times together as children have been a support to get past lonely days. From playing Ludo together every night to forcing our father into getting us pet parrots (which we would eventually release within a day or so!) to all the visits these lovely parrots made to our home during the monsoon season. And then the light fragrance of fresh marigold flowers that our mother would bring back home from the temple and place on our study tables. These memories have been some of the timeless treasures in our hearts. 

This year, when my sister decided to marry the love of her life, I quit my job to plan her wedding! I knew it was time to make up for all the lost moments and for me to make her special day as beautiful, meaningful and memorable as possible. So this one's for my soul sister, her wedding invite - a reminiscent of our beautiful childhood! 

Reminisce - Ludo Wedding Invitation

Reminisce - Ludo Wedding Invitation

A wedding invitation for my sister that is reminiscent of our beautiful childhood. Includes an elegant velvet touch invite with a one of its kind Læs mere
