Katie Wilson's profile

DXB202 - Image Production Week 5 #oneperday

Title:  Self portraits 
Technique:  Image taken on a DSLR camera, using lighting, umbrellas and backing drop.
Process:  We set up the backdrop and a seat to create a photo studio. We set up a DSLR camera on a tripod to create the photos. These photos are showing split lighting as the light falls on half of my face while shadowing the other half. While the first image using the process of butterfly lighting as the image was shot underneath the light source to create shadow under the nose. 
Reasoning:  I created them as experimentation on lighting and practicing with different light sources and positions. 
Reflection: I think they worked well with all of them having a very crisp image. 
Title: Zoe
Technique:  Image taken on a iPhone 5.   
Process: I used the large standing lights in the art studio to create a split lightning effect on Zoe's face. 
Reasoning:  I created the image as experimentation on lighting and practicing with different light sources and positions. 
Reflection: The shadows worked well as they added a nice effect to her face. 
Title:  Janice 
Technique:  Image taken on a iPhone 5. 
Process:   I used the large standing lights in the art studio to create a split lightning effect on Janice's face. 
Reasoning:   I created it  as experimentation on lighting and practicing with different light sources and positions. 
Reflection: The lighting made her face look more powerful and strong, creating a nice effect. 
Title:  Janice 2
Technique:  Image taken on a DSLR camera, using lighting, umbrellas and backing drop. 
Process:  I created a studio setting with a seat, lighting, umbrellas and a camera tripod to create a steady image. I used the technique of broad lighting so that the face is angled away from he camera so that the area with the light falling onto it looks bigger than the shadow
Reasoning:   I created the image as experimentation on lighting and practicing with different light sources and positions. half  
Reflection: I think the lighting worked well as it features the right  side of her face giving the image a nice effect. 
Title:  Behind lighting 
Technique:  Image taken on a DSLR camera, using lighting, umbrellas and backing drop.
Process:  I created a studio setting with a seat, lighting, umbrellas and a camera tripod to create a steady image. I experimented with lighting putting the light source behind the model, this created an interesting effect as her face is still lit up while being in shadow. 
Reasoning:   I created it as experimentation on lighting and practicing with different light sources and positions. 
Reflection: The shadow along the side of her face worked well as it suited the position the model was sitting in. This image was more challenging to get into focus as the light was going directly into the camera. 
DXB202 - Image Production Week 5 #oneperday

DXB202 - Image Production Week 5 #oneperday


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