eL HiNO's profile


Painted this fan art for a local expo here in Mexico City a few months ago.
This luchador legend is EL SANTO, more famous around the world for his movies.
In Spanish "santo" means "holy" so I tried to keep it like that in this final piece which got some hateful comments from some religious people. Anyways, the process goes below:
It all began with a reference and a sketch
After that I painted in grayscale trying to respect the values of light and shadow that I wanted to achieve.
I must say I picked this technique cuz I didn't have much time so I had to be quick.
Added some colors:
And after this step all I did was adding a simple BG and retouching lighting and shadows with color. Also arranged the head. You can see the result back on top. Cheers!


Fan Art for a local expo on EL SANTO
