This is a showcase of some Icons I made for PIPES Project. 

In this project I was hired to make 50 illustrations to be made into Icons for the collaborative project, which was shown in international museums around the world. 
See all Icons made by me and others or experience the project here:
Please use Google Chrome:
Screen shot courtesy of PIPES
PIPES Project is dedicated to reflection and development of digital communicative tools. The inspiration came from classical structuralistic interpretation of trinity of signifying functions of sign: icon-index-symbol. Well, Pipes are dedicated to icons. Literally. The stakeholders (CIANT Prague, ZKM Karlsruhe, HANGAR Barcelona, BRAINZ Prague) are leading theoretical and practical programme of iconic communication. No words involved, no letters, no voices, just pictures - yet information, emotion and message sent. The treasure to be brought is unique on-line platform called ICONUU – an interactive digital wall enabling its users to draw, show, share and co-create iconic messages without primal limitation of time/space or mother tongue. Obviously other limitations might come out even stronger. Quite adventurous, isn’t it?
„PIPES“ are a collaborative project of four European cultural associations. It involves Participatory Investigation of Public Engaging Spaces of communication with highly creative and technologically innovative ambitions. Within the project we will support intense interdisciplinary interactions among audiovisual media artists, communication specialists, scholars, architects, activists and the citizens with a goal to experiment with new models and symbolic means of communication. Special focus will be on a cognitive analysis of communication symbols and symbolic expressions leading to innovation in dynamic interactive tools and scenarios of expression and sharing. 

Project co-organizers:
ZKM Karlsruhe
CIANT Prague

Courtesy of PIPES
Selection of Icons made by Maximillian Riley
Courtesy of PIPES installation photo.
Insert from "Design" Korean magazine in Soul
Courtesy of PIPES installation photo.
Screen shot courtesy of PIPES.


PIPES create the space for innovative communicative manners and tools.
