Beatrice Vivaldi's profile

Rhythmic gymnastic 2012-13 | Photomanipulation

Fotomontaggi per l’header del sito di ginnastica ritmica
Ogni mese viene realizzata una composizione che esprima la stagionalità del momento oppure un evento particolare in corso. 
Photomontages for the header of the website about rhythmic gymnastics 
Every month is provided a composition that expresses the seasonality of the moment or a particular event
February - April '12
May '12
June - July '12
August - September '12
October '12
Halloween '12
November '12
December '12
January '13
February '13
March '13
April '13 (website's birthday)
May '13
June '13
July '13
August '13
September '13 (with original illustrations)
October '13
November '13
December '13
Rhythmic gymnastic 2012-13 | Photomanipulation

Rhythmic gymnastic 2012-13 | Photomanipulation

Photomontages for the header of the website about rhythmic gymnastics Every month is provided a composition that express Read More
