2012 Desktop Calendar
for Capital Printing and Forms Inc. Promotional Product
When this project came across my desk, the client had just started re-branding the company with a new logo and wanted to go in a whole new direction with their annual calendar project. As past calendars had been the same size and similar looks for many years. But the client didn't really know where to go. I was free to come up with a new look and concept, right from scratch. I had very few limitations; the size had to fit on the current size of press sheets, fit on a desktop, use the company colours, orange and blue and at least one varnish.

As I started working on concepts, it became clear to me that using both company colours were not going to work. So I dropped the blue which opened the doors for me to use black to help create a high contrast product. At this point, I also thought that it would be a great opportunity to use to use varnishes effectively and show our clients what you could do with them.

The project went through some modifications, but the final product received great feedback from their clientele.

On the front cover, calendar stand and black vertical bar on the inside pages, I used two varnishes; a matte and gloss varnish for the lettering, so when the light reflected it you could see the names of the months running up and down the page. The company font was used for the calendar dates and winning images from a photo contest held within the company were matched with the appropriate month. A gloss varnish was also used for the photos. No varnish was used on the calendar month pages, so clientele could write on the pages, if necessary.
2012 Desktop Calendar

2012 Desktop Calendar

2012 Desktop Calendar
