12SECONDI - Naming e Branding

"Fu un volo di 12 secondi, incerto, ondeggiante e traballante... ma fu finalmente un vero volo e non una semplice planata" - Orville Wright, sul primo volo del 17/12/1903

The project
12Secondi is a non-profit organization that helps other non-profit organizations to communicate better to achieve their goals.
It does so by supporting them with am advertising professional who will follow the non-profit organization for a year,
providing advices and guidance on a voluntary basis.

Concept and naming
The theme chosen is flight because 12S pushes non-profit organizations to abandon home-made communication to take off
and reach new heights thanks to a first "flight" carried out with the help of advertising professionals.


Quinto Lancio

Franz Degano
Marzia Marcolini

Luca Pedrani
12SECONDI - Naming e Branding