Profil appartenant à Jennifer Griffin

Ethics, Image, Design and Textures

Ethics, Image, Design and Textures

1. Edge of tomorrow

After taking a picture of leaf with a Nikon dslr camera after being intrigued by the way it looked I decided to create a unique album cover using the leaf texture.   Using Adobe Photoshop I cropped the image and then copied the same image and put it on top of each other changing the opacity levels. This created a very unique texture. I then put some writing in the centre of the image and put opacity smaller on that too so the texture behind the text would still visible.

Original photo of leaf texture. 
Final image of a leaf texture turned into Photo album 

2. True pink

Before creating this image, I was inspired by Pixel Union (2014) Pink Socks Turn Blue album cover. I was inspired by the way the socks showed so much texture and contrast. Also felt like the colour grabbed the viewer’s attention. After taking various photos of textures using a Nikon dslr camera; I felt like a photo I took of a scrunched up tissue would effectively achieve what I was influenced by in The Black Keys Turn Blue album cover. Using Adobe Photoshop I adjusting the images brightness level, contrast and colour. I then put text on top of the texture and chose a font that I felt like suited the texture. This enabled me to create a very unique album cover.

Pixel Union (2014) Pink Socks Turn Blue album cover.
Original image of a scrunched up tissue texture. 
Final texture image of a scrunched up tissue. 
3. Circle and Square

I really liked this photo I took using a Nikon dslr camera of the zebra crossing. I decided to enhance the texture by using Adobe Photoshop and adjusted the photos contrast and brightness levels. I then duplicated the same image and put a clipping mask onto a shape of a circle to make the image more interesting. I also decided to spine the circle in the middle around to create more depth.  

Final image using a Zebra crossing texture. 
4. Colourful Pattern

It was my first time experiencing creating my own pattern. It was quite a challenge at first with lots of trail and error and having to start over again until I got it right with a pattern I was happy with. To create the pattern I used Adobe Illustrator. Using the shape tool I drew out a shape of a square. I then duplicated the shape and reduced the size to then place it into the centre of the first square shape. Using the pathfinder tool I was able to crop out the smaller square to create a whole new shape. I then duplicated the shape and changed the colour. With the duplicated shape I spined it around so it could be in a 90 degrees angle. I then copied the same shape and then using the pathfinder tool again, I was able to create another unique shape.

Final image of a pattern I created. 
Sparkly Stripes

I experimented with Adobe Photoshop to create this image. After taking a photo of textures using a Nikon dslr camera of a leaf and a texture of a sparkly green motorbike I wanted to see what I could make by combing the two images together to create a whole new texture. I was able to achieve the new texture by placing the photo of the leaf in Adobe Photoshop and cropping it. I then placed a photo of the motorbike on top of the photo of a leaf into Photoshop and cropped it as well. I then changed the opacity of the picture of the green sparkly motorbike. I then was able to create stripes by using the gradient tool.

Original image of a Motorbike texture. 
Original image of a leaf texture. 
Final image of a combination of textures. 

Tumblr, Pixel Union. 2014. “Pink Socks Turn Blue”. Image. Accessed September 12th, 2016.

Ethics, Image, Design and Textures
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Ethics, Image, Design and Textures

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