the Spatial Sequence
I manipulated forms from my serial sections of my object case in PHASE 1 to create complex and compelling Entry, Passage, and Gallery sequences.  The sequence is designed to give the user an experience of initial expanse but following by a confining passage sequence to simulate the ratchet's tightening and release functions.  I used staircases throughout the sequence to achieve the ratcheting effect.
Entry Passage Arrival : front  to back
Sketch Model
Lower Horizontal Section Cut: entry is on the left

Upper Horizonatal Section: entry is on the left
Long Vertical Section: entry is on the left
Entry Passage Arrival : elevation view
Final Model
Final Model: Entry sequence
Vertical Section A: Entry and staircase
Final Model : Gallery and exterior garden 
Vertical Section B : Passage and garden
Vertical Section C: Gallery and Sculpture Garden
the Spatial Sequence

the Spatial Sequence

Architecture project part of the Tulane School of Architecture

