Jami Swimming II, pastel  Juried into the 41st Annual Pastel Society of America exhibition, Enduring Brilliance, at the National Arts Club, NYC.  Winner of numerous awards
The Bliss of Childhood, pastel  Juried into the 34th Annual Pastel Society of America exhibition, Enduring Brilliance, at the National Arts Club, NYC.
Childhood, pastel  Juried into the 24th Annual International Association of Pastel Societies at Vose Galleries in Boston, MA.  Awarded Best in Portrait/Figurative Category in the Pastel Society of New Jersey Juried Exhibition
Mario, pastel  won one of the top awards in the 2015 Alabama Pastel Society Juried Member's Show: "Outstanding Creativity and Use of Pastels Award" 
The Life of an Artist, Juried into the 42nd Annual Pastel Society of America exhibition, Enduring Brilliance, at the National Arts Club, NYC.
The Ring Bearer

Reflections of Julia, pastel   Cover of The Connection Magazine
Ana --1987 
At the Playground--1987
Cooking for the Family Dog -- 1985
Afternoon Tea
Studies of Lilah
Alyssa sketch
Memory sketch
Mario sketch


Adrian Frankel Giuliani Pastels
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Adrian Frankel Giuliani Pastels

pastel portraiture

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