agnese rodriquez's profile


Side effects - OTC drugs packaging
These are some extracts from my II level degree thesis.

The thesis concerns OTC drugs packaging: the aim is to study and resolve problems related to the accessibility of information about the use of medicines. It was chosen to work on unbranded products to avoid persuasive commercial communication and to educate consumers to inquire about what they are going to assume.
The output of the design phase is a flexible system to communicate relevant information about OTC medicines on their secondary packaging. The accessibility of communication is reached mainly through the factors of traceability and understandability of informations. Traceability of information is ensured by the creation of a reading order: the information is placed on the faces of the packaging according to the gestures of the user when handling it and also it was created a visual/perceptive hierarchy between the different informations to ensure the emersion and the sight of the main ones. To facilitate comprehension, instead, beside specific language has been used common one and the relevant data are expressed in both verbal and iconic form.
The project purpose is to demonstrate, through user testing, that drugs packaging has a major role in the communication between product and consumers, and that is an essential tool to inform and educate them on the safe use of medications.
Communication Design
Politecnico di Milano
Valeria Bucchetti

First design proposal.
Final design.


OTC drugs packaging
