Perfil de Paula Frank

Editorial Design. Cook Book

To design my Thai Cook Book I did some research to get some ideas of how cook books are designed. Instead of dividing my book in “starters, mains and desserts” I decided to separate the recipes in order of the ingredients used in the recipes (Chicken, Beef & Pork, Seafood, Vegetables, Sweet Things & Drinks). And each chapter has a different colour for the typography.
I tried to use pictures that show the essence of Thai food and culture. I took those pictures from Getty Images.
I create a logo that represents a lotus flower, a very typical flower from Thailand, and I used it next to the page number and next to the serves and time of cooking.
I used three different typographies, FFF Tusj for headings and Helvetica Light for recipes and Helvetica Neue LT Std for ingredients. 
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Editorial Design. Cook Book
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Editorial Design. Cook Book

Editorial Design.

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