Jared Muralt 的个人资料

Jared Muralt's Sketch Book 2011-12 publication

Jared Muralt has published his first sketch book collection through Tintenkilby Verlag.
Alongside fully finished drawings, this book contains ideas and drafts for other projects, character studies, diary entries and a great number of
bizarre figments of his imagination.

Printed authentically true to the original in offset on wood-free paper, 120 pages thread stitched and bound with a Balacron Naxos hardcover.

Since the original sketch book is written in German this publication contains an English translation in the back.
Available at:

Jared Muralt's Sketch Book 2011-12 publication

Jared Muralt's Sketch Book 2011-12 publication

A book printed authentically true to the original sketch books by Jared Muralt.
