Anne Sellings profil

Zeixs 52Aces Limited Edition 3 | Club 10

52aces | Club 10
52Aces – The „Original“ in its third edition – 
is a limited poker deck (999 Decks), were all 54 cards were created 
unique by international artists in there own style. 
Packaged in a high quality tin can, and awarded with the Red Dot Award.

I had the chance to contribute with my design for Club 10 
and so being part of this great Pokerdeck.  

You can purchase a copy at 52aces.
Zeixs 52Aces Limited Edition 3 | Club 10

Zeixs 52Aces Limited Edition 3 | Club 10

I've got the chance to contribute to the 3rd edition of 52Aces, a limited Pokerdeck. Each card is designed by a different great artists around th Læs mere


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