A personal design study on creating a contemporary Scandinavian perfume brand. 
From concept to product packaging and digital. 


The concept core consists of a collection of unisex and untitled perfumes, where a selection of colors mark the scent and mood in an abstract and subtle manner. By using colors instead of names the user experiences a totally unique perception of the perfume, unbiased from the creator’s own thought. 

Colors bear the strength of offering completely free interpretations - just like scents do. A scent may arouse happiness for someone, while it could give the feeling of grief or regret for another bearer. Again with colors - for some, black is attraction and for others it could symbolize death.

The product uses this concept through a minimalistic design approach, giving the user the opportunity to translate the perfume however it suits him or her. The only visible branding of each perfume is a colored suede detail. The detail differs them from each 
other while the unbranded bottle keeps the appearance neutral. The palette and brand images are set in a light Scandinavian setting, with details that give a twist of originality. 


Concept, Art Direction, Packaging, Digital Design.



A personal design study on creating a contemporary Scandinavian perfume brand. From concept to product packaging and digital.
