Maria Papaefstathiou's profile

Carlos Malcolm, composer, arranger & orchestra leader

Poster portrait of Carlos Malcolm was designed to be presented as an award at the 2nd Palaver International Literary Festival 2016, Wasaga, Canada.

Caribbean culture is unique for its diversity and vibrancy. The perimeter lands of the Caribbean Sea have cradled a diaspora of world cultures and nationalities for more than 500 years. Retentions in art, literature, music and religion have been woven by time into an enchanting tapestry of colour, sound, ethnicity and shared experiences; described eloquently by gifted lyricists and celebrated writers, each a product of this enchanting tropical potpourri that has produced some of the world’s finest artists, athletes, novelists, poets, scientists, and statesmen.
Palaver celebrates this vibrant, complex Caribbean culture and offers, each year, in a morsel, but a taste of its richness and flavour.

Carlos Malcolm, composer-arranger and orchestra leader receives lifetime achievement award for his work in helping to lay technical foundations for the development of modern Jamaican popular music.
© Design-Copyright 2016 Maria Papaefstathiou.
Some rights reserved.

Carlos Malcolm, composer, arranger & orchestra leader

Carlos Malcolm, composer, arranger & orchestra leader

Poster portrait of Carlos Malcolm was designed to be presented as an award at the 2nd Palaver International Literary Festival 2016, Wasaga, Canad Read More
