Ashley Greaves's profile

Protect Your Lungs

Protect Your Lungs: Advertising Campaign  
Self-initiated Breif
This is a self-initiated brief but the original thought buster i chose to focus on was Packaging of air. although this idea was my first idea, like many of my older projects, i decided to run with it. I came to this idea by going from the initial “thoughtbuster” – Packaging: Air; which made me think of balloons which essentially is used to package air…doesn’t really have any other purpose. after this i thought of lungs but not to connect the two, i was just thinking of other things that could be considered to package air. After this i thought of mixing the two and doing an anti-smoking campagne to discourage those who maybe thinking of smoking.
Final Poster
Poster mock-up
Protect Your Lungs

Protect Your Lungs

Second year Student Artwork.
