Chair of Strength

The project investigates the notion of customization from a production point of view. Modern consumerist society has developed a very refined marketing strategy, which includes both mass production and extreme individualism. It is a phenomenon called mass customization: we all want to be unique, but at the same time we all want people to know what we wear/use/operate.

The aim of the project is to challenge this idea throughout the construction of customizing machines 
producing series of unique pieces.

Customizing Body: producing artifacts using your own body as a customization device.

Design Construction:
Inspired by the strength of the human body, I’ve built a chair out of wood and copper wires 
that demonstrates body customization. 
Using my own strength, I wrapped the wires around the constructed wooden chair to create the sitting area.

Design Concept:
Overtime and usage of the chair, users will able to see a difference with the wires getting lower and possibly wood cracks. However, the chair will begin to take the shape of the individual’s strength/weight and making it unlike someone else’s chair.

Chair of Strength
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Chair of Strength

Customizing Body: producing artifacts using your own body as a customization device.

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