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DXB202 - Image Production Week 4 #oneperday

Technique: Cartoon drawings portraying a story from my life.  
Process: I planned what I wanted to put in each frame and how I wanted to design each panel. Once I had a rough sketch I did my final sketches on A4 art paper. I then went over the final sketches in black pen. To add colour to the cartoons I scanned the images onto my laptop. I then opened the scans in Photoshop and used the magic pen tool to add the colours that I wanted. 
Reasoning: I wanted to do a story that was a good moment in my life but also create a story for the audience, with a beginning a climax and a end.
Reflection:  I had anticipated using illustrator to add the colour and not photoshop as I find it easier to work with. However once I put the scans into illustrator you could no longer read what the speech bubbles said, so I had to use photoshop. The component of the design I most struggled drawing was the people, I found it really difficult to make the girl look the same in all the different frames. 
Cartoon Final sketches
Final cartoon: My first dog 
Title: My first dog 1
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: To start the comic this image was created so that the viewer can see exactly what the story will be about. 
Reflection: I think the colour of the image worked well and the placement of the information to make it look like a piece of paper. The writing in the image was hard to create of photoshop without it becoming pixelated
Title: My first dog 2
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: I did this scene to show the emotion of happiness, using bright and vibrant colours to get this across to the viewer. 
Reflection: The challenges was the hair on the girl, I wanted it to look like strands but also wanted it to not have any white and to be a block colour. 
Title: My first dog 3
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: To show the process of time but sticking with the cartoon style. Using bright colours as this was a happy time. 
Reflection: The colours of this image work well, bright but not too over the top. 
Title: My first dog 4
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: To progress with the story making it exiting for the viewers. Using grey and dull colours to portray the change in mood in the cartoon. 
Reflection: The background window and rain was very challenging to create, with the rain and lightning very difficult to colour with out loosing its shape. However it adds a depth to the cartoon, adding to the story. 
Title: My first dog 5
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: To show the progress in the story, showing a change in body language and colour in the cartoon creating a somber mood. 
Reflection: The uniform on the girl was challenging to create as I did not draw the lines all the way up. This resulted in them not becoming a shape so that I couldn't colour the spaces I wanted. 
Title: My first dog 6
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: I changed the body language and colour in this scene to create sadness.
Reflection: Creating the hair style on the girl was challenging to create on photoshop as the colours kept escaping the places that I wanted them. The colour scheme worked well. The seat belt and the shape of the car worked well, without having to draw the car but the viewer can still tell what the drawing is of.  

Title: My first dog 7
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: I changed the body language and colour in this scene to create sadness.I created speak bubbles to portray the story while sticking with the theme of the imagery. 
Reflection: The image turned out well with the cartoon easily telling the story. The hair on the girl was challenging to create, I wanted it to look like strands but also wanted it to not have any white and to be a block colour. 
Title: My first dog 8
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning:  I changed the body language and colour in this scene to create sadness.I created speak bubbles to portray the story while sticking with the theme of the imagery. 
Reflection: The uniform was the difficult component of this scene. It was hard to keep the colour within the lines of the uniform.
Title: My first dog 9
Technique: Cartoon drawing.  
Process: I draw an initial sketch of want I wanted it to look like. Once I had my find sketch I scanned it into Photoshop and used the magic wand tool to colour the image. 
Reasoning: To end the story with a cartoon drawing of the dog. i added colour into this scene to show the happiness coming back into the story, by adding colour to the mat the dog is sat on.  
Reflection: This scene is a very good drawing to end the story on. It finishes it oak well, by brining the colour back into the design. This scene was very simple to create as I could easily colour the dog and mat with the wand tool. 
DXB202 - Image Production Week 4 #oneperday

DXB202 - Image Production Week 4 #oneperday

Cartoon drawing


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