Profilo di Kristina Heck

St. Paul, MN Renovated Bungalow Spring 2009

Renovated Home: Sold Spring 2009
My concept for the interiorof this space was to turn it into a cozy cottage.  As you can see from the photographs of before the renovation, it needed an overhaul: the carpet was trashed, the wood trim torn up, and the kitchen cabinets had been sponge-painted pink! We tore out everything, updated appliances and plumbing, and coverd walls inside and out with lively colors. We left brick exposed in the kitchen and used open shelving in the new birch cabinets.  Our carpenters and tradesmen fixed plumbing, put up new walls, and tore out an old bathtub--transformation!
After:  The white trim is quite a contrast to the half-baked, gummy, brown stain which framed the walls and doors before!

After:  The hardwood floors were refinished, the kitchen was remodeled, and the carpet was replaced.

After:  The bathroom is still  in keeping with the original bungalow cottage architecture, but with a new tub and sink.
After Exterior: We increased the grade around the foundation of the home to allow for better drainage away from the structure.
After: The exposed brick in the kitchen adds to the vintage-cottage feel of this renovated home--it was the only thing worth saving in this room.
After:  Front Porch Flooring is reclaimed hardwood from another rennovation project.
Before: a view of the living room and kitchen cabinets
Before Exterior:  This bungalow needed some help and a little imagination!
St. Paul, MN Renovated Bungalow Spring 2009

St. Paul, MN Renovated Bungalow Spring 2009

This renovated home in St. Paul, MN sold after being on the market 48 hours in the Spring of 2009.
