Wendy Plas 的个人资料

Synchronicity Match

This project, 'Synchronicity Matching,' was one of the many projects part of 'The Night of Art and Science' in Groningen. The main theme of the entire exhibition was about the heart, Therefore myself and my team members came up with the idea of a random dating project.

We created these shoulder pieces that we gave to viewers of the exhibition at the front door of our room and told them it was part of a research project to record the movement of the public throughout the exhibition. With the use of Arduino programming we made 2 of the shoulder pieces' lights flash using infrared sensors and told the people wearing them that we believed they were a perfect match for each other based on the synchronicity of their movement.

We then brought them over to a table with a romantic set-up for a short speed date where we poured them a glass of wine each and asked them a number of random funny questions to help them get to know each other.
Assen, The Netherlands / wendyplas.nl
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Synchronicity Match

Synchronicity Match

This project, 'Synchronicity Matching,' was one of the many projects part of 'The Night of Art and Science' in Groningen. The shoulder pieces' li 阅读更多内容
