Mao Fong Lim's profile

Parkinson's Disease: Hold Me and Look Closer

As a child I watched my grandfather live with Parkinson’s in his final years. I knew little- I knew most old people couldn’t walk very well, but he was different. I remembered most how his hands would shake- as he tried to feed himself, as he held his mug. Dropping things, spilling drinks- constantly apologising. As a medical student now, I understand more. “Shaking Palsy”. The basal ganglia. The full scope and progression of the disease- I wish I did, back then. I drew this as a self-portrait.

Parkinson's disease is caused by a lack of dopamine production in certain regions of the brain. One of the  roles of dopamine is to aid in movement control and regulation. 
As a result, patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) have the characteristic 'Parkinsonian tremor' and uncontrolled movements- ranging from stiffness to flailing movements. Medication is usually in the form of Levodopa, which replaces dopamine and makes up for the lack of production.However, the decline is imminent and Levodopa is usually useful only for a limited time period, after which the symptoms might even worsen.
Other symptoms may include speech problems. 
Or even hallucinations. Parkinson's disease is usually associated with, but not limited to the elderly.
My hand in the forefront of the drawing- in my mind’s eye, for me, the hallmark of Parkinson’s Disease. Trying to imagine myself, old, in the shoes of someone who suffers. Chaotic, swirls, scribbles- letting my hand run freely, out of control- trying to settle into some semblance of form. Words, written between the lines (look closer), of how I would feel, words I might hear from my doctor- which I might not remember or understand.

Every person deserves to live with dignity, kindness, love and care. Through this artwork, I wish for the viewer to put themselves in the shaky slippers of those like my grandfather, and reflect on how we can see past the tremors, to see the person- the beautiful soul and what they are going through.
Parkinson's Disease: Hold Me and Look Closer

Parkinson's Disease: Hold Me and Look Closer

I submitted this for the World Parkinson's Day Awareness Art Competition, organised by Armando Hasudungan, which I won. Do take the time to view Read More
