To inform clients about AllegroGroup company, about its services.
Home page
Here you can choose a specific section and get the most important information about a company. Slider shows what the company as a whole is.
Job search page
Convenient search for jobs with the conclusion of cities where jobs are available. In addition to the search is suggested to resume or take a test online. This can be done in the right sidebar. Also there you can get information how to become part of the team. Go to the information section and place your newsletter on your e-mail.
Page of current projects in the company
On this page you can get acquainted with the current projects of the company. Information submitted in separate blocks. With the catchy logo visitor can choose interesting project and learn about its role within the company. Projects are automatically loaded when you scroll down the page. This eliminates the pagination.
Page with the history of the company (News)
The information is there in the form of a timeline and automatically loaded as view (scrolling) page. Information given by blocks for better focus on each company event.
Additionally a mobile version of the site was designed.
Mobile version of the site serves for visitors to quickly and easily find information using mobile devices. The interface of this version is adapted for touch screen devices.
Allegro group
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Allegro group

E-commerce promo web site for company.

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