Shopstock - Version 2
I recently did the remock for shopstock with a darker design and new interactive features making more use of the Ipad touch features. Here are some of the mockups/screenshots.
I created this new UI/UX for shopstock, one of the apps i recently designed for Streebo. As this new design had some user experience that might needed some learning and getting used to, the app shows a help screen on start to explain how things are done.

This help screen can then be swiped away and brought back again wtih swipe. What is explains, amongts other things,  is the adding to cart procedure, which can be done by tapping on the corner of an item which adds it instantly to cart. Although it is very intuitive and user centered, to make sure out users were not missing out on something, we decided to show how things were done.

The logo was created by Huma Tassawur.
 Since the portrait mode does not show the side bar of categories, the same is shown in a popup menu which can be toggled by tapping.
 The checkout process is also simnple No new page. Just the toggle panel at the bottom, containing all the items that you have added. A quantity numeric stepper to increase or decrease the quantity.  A simple tap to show the delete button to confirm your action, and tapping the delete to remove it from the cart.
Shopstock Version 2

Shopstock Version 2

This is a shopping app for Ipad that I designed at Streebo Inc
