Felix Danishwaras profil

CBR 600 RR replacement body kit

CBR 600 FD
Honda CBR 600 RR Naked Bike Body Conversion Kit
Honda CBR600RR is one of the most popular motorcycle in the market today. The 2005-2007 model was taken for this project because it’s easy to modify. The focus of this project is to accomodate CBR 600 RR riders who wants to change their old bike look and make it look more fresh and original. Many CBR600RR riders stripped the body panels and converting it into naked bikes. However, that process is not easy. Underneath the body panels, there are massive amounts of wiring and it looks ugly and messy if left undone. This project can also be used for CBR600RR riders who recently got into a minor crash and have to replace the body panels. Instead of making it look like the way it was, why not make the motorcycle look completely different from the other bikes out there? This body kit will definitely make the CBR modification process easier and look fresh and cool.
All these renderings were done on Adobe Photoshop CS 5
Sketch Ideation
Sketch Ideation
Scale model 1:6
Final board layout. For more detail click here.
CBR 600 RR replacement body kit


CBR 600 RR replacement body kit

This was a senior Project for CSULB Senior class of 2012
