The Mini University Campaign included a logo re-design, promotional brochure, retail and online advertising.
Altough I had a blast working on these materials and the review board responded well to the new look and color scheme, unfortunately, the project died due to funding.
A lot of time and effort was put into these promotional brochures for Guardian Insurance. The initial direction given to us from the Guardian representative was to promote three types of insurance protection plans: Service, Retail, and Trade.  An actual printed brochure for each division was presented utilizing Guardian's grey and blue, with the visual focus concentrating on the 'G' itself.  I still love the look of these materials and feel they represent my style well... clean and easy to read with a good balance of copy and artwork.
We were approached by two college kids that were super-serious about their sandwich bus.  I believe if you google them, they are still driving around by means of the social network.  Not sure how business is going, but I still love the flyer.
Buffalo Wild Wings is doing just fine without my printed materials. But the efforts did help them buy into an online campaign for us at the time.
I created this trifold piece for LM&M Railroad in Lebanon, OH by request of a sales lead.  It was pretty common to spend a bit of time on customers we thought we had a good lead on.  The mailer turned out well, but to my knowledge was never actually printed.
Salons were booming at the time I put together this simple, elegant direct mail piece.  But Mitchell's was well-recognized and decided to back out before it went to print.
Campaign Efforts

Campaign Efforts

Just a few of my efforts that never got to see the bright lights. It was actually pretty common to spend a bit of time on the creative end if we Read More
