"Given two unrelated articles, create a book which weaves the articles and added imagery together to create new meaning." 
The two articles were Hipster: Dead End of Western Civilization by Douglas Haddow, originally published in Adbusters Magazine, and Our Only Planet by Barry Katz, published in Dwell Magazine. I combined natural colors and textures, images of fall leaves I took on a particularly nice day, and hand-drawn type with images of ripped paper, an offensive book title, and an emphasized timeline pulled from the Katz article outlining the environmental disasters of the last century. 
The book is 56 pages, coptic bound (and exposed spine binding technique used by the early Christians in Egypt; it has the advantage of allowing the book to lie flat), and the cover is hand-embroidered on canvas.
Winner of the Design Excellence Award at Context 2009, AIGA Pittsburgh's annual design show.
We Don't Give a F*ck
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We Don't Give a F*ck

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