Adding a touch of Wild to HP Laptops
The popularity of Apple laptops in the early to mid 2000s had made a big dent in HP Pavilion's dominance. In response they came out with a range of accessories to up the "cool factor" of their image. Displayed below is a web banner campaign for laptop skins.
Focusing on B2B
This was a print campaign to help push sales of HP printers to SMBs across India; the headlines focused on business success. Corporate guidelines insisted that we use an image of paper in the ads, which restrained how creative we could get. A lot of the ads published at this time were messy and lacked aspirational value - we decided to clean the decks and go minimalist. 
Understanding the SMB mindset
The business challenge at hand was that many to most Indian businesses were going off-brand when it came to restocking on ink for their office printers. This program was all about harnessing the desire of Indian business owners to be part of something exclusive - our insight was that this specific target audience yearned recognition.
Playing to this point, I convinced HP India to start a formal rewards program that included a credit card style membership card. It gave members access to a list of networking events and restricted entry venues. The program was called 'Inc.' - subliminally attaching the program to 'ink', with the membership tiers following the printing color system of CMYK.
Displayed below is the print campaign that was featured in business magazines.


A campaign to help HP explore its wild side - showcasing fun skin covers for their laptops.


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