An editorial with a Philippine-based Korean fashion designer
(Kyunghoon) Roy Back, styled by Eric Poliquit.
Just few weeks back, Eric and I had a short photo session with our good friend and promising Philippine-based Korean Designer Roy Back while prepping-up for the recently concluded Philippine Fashion Week...
We have asked him several questions about his thoughts in Fashion and Designing in general.
Here's what he said... and the photos we have produced during that session:

You are currently working for a major apparel company here in the Philippines, how does it help you shape your design aesthetics?
Working for an apparel company has made me realized a lot of things. Before, I just design whatever i like for my self, but now i need to consider what other people want. What they would wear. and what would sell. Working in a big company also taught me how to work with other designers. pattern maker, sewers, marketing, advertising, etc

What do you wish people would understand about working in the fashion industry?
Fashion designing is not just about garments or fabrics.
We designers, get inspirations... work it with different artworks and think of innovations that would work with our personal aesthetics to produce a design. So there are a lot of things we consider in designing. I just wish people will learn to appreciate the process. through this they need to know their own personalities and try something new. stay away from"what is safe" and just have fun and explore their personal styles in designing.

Where do you get your design inspiration?
I get my inspiration mostly from my family.

Living alone for 8years made me realize the importance of my family. Mood is also big factor for my inspiration.
It's hard to express how I feel so i just design.

How do you like living in Manila?... Are you glad you made the move?

A lot of adjustments have been made specially that i live here alone.
I gained a lot of filipino friends both in and out of the fashion industry. I find filipinos very sociable. they work hard but then again they know how to have time for their family and friends. I find them relaxed and chill.
I noticed that even poor family and who are homeless still they know how to smile. That's what I love here. Living here made me realized to have a break, smile and look around the simple things in life.

What is the best perk of being a designer?
I get to see my name and works published in magazines and celebrities wear my designs.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to start a career in fashion?

Don't lose your personality and vision.

What trends do you see being big for 2013?
Black and White and piping :D
I think it's for 2013-2200 :P

Shot on location in the Design HQ of the brand where Roy works as a Designer.




Just few weeks back, Eric and I had a short photo session with our good friend and promising Philippine-based Korean Designer (Kyunghoon) Roy Bac Read More
