Imagine Coordinata, Identity, www.cabinet-entrelien.com
Entrelien is a psychotherapy service provided  by one person: Joelle Raymond. She is adapting 3 methods depending of the patient needs which are:
- NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programmation)
- EFT (Emotional Freedom technique)
- Hypnosis

Visual identity (Logotype, Graphic Chart, icons...) & Website.

1. In that kind of activity, the patient needs to feel safe, in real trust and confidence to the psychotherapist.
2. The patient will get along with the psychotherapist, otherwise, he will leave  the therapy.
3. The patient might have a predominant mind: kinaesthetic, auditory or visual. So have to be the communication process.

- Reading books from Anthony Robbins, Marshall Rosenberg
- Understanding the color's action on people
- Finding way to make a tactile experience
- Metaphoring the ideas

- Bring 3 dimensional elements
- Make the text like poetry
- Finding visual ways to describe Joelle Raymond, her personnality
-       "           "           "                    the  3 differents activities she's doing. (icons)
- Choosing the right colors & types for a safe and trustful atmosphere.


 Anthony Robbins, a famous Psychotherapist once tried out an experience at one of his talks.
AR divided the audience in 2 equals groups. He shows up the picture of an old woman to the first one, and a picture of a young woman to the second one.
Then, AR put out the picture above. The first group saw immediately the oldie, the second one recognized a young lady straight away.

This experience shows how conditioned we are by our past living.

We can also understand it through the blue & orange picture on the top right above.
People used to read the colored or black caracters on a document, whatever it is. Most of the stakeholders being asked for what they can see on the picture were trying to identify the coloured things. But once they've been told the word "VIE" is written as negative area (meanings "LIFE" in french) they identify it easily.

That's one of the field of


Visual Identity for the psychotherapist "Entrelien"
