Ana Grajaless profil

La Canasta rebranding & website redesign

La Canasta (The Basket) is an online service in Bogotá sells local food products (from specific areas near the capital), eliminating intermediaries in the production chain and leaving fair margins to the producers who can also guarantee freshness in the organic vegetables they sell to their customers. The delivery system works on the basis of the weekly production, organized by "combos" or "baskets" and other organic or handmade products (honey, eggs, cheese, arepas, yogurt, bread, etc.) This was a personal approach to a business that I consider great in terms of sustainability, also to support small independent farmer communities.
Desktop and mobile/responsive version 
Logo colors and negative/positive versions
Moodboard explores brand position, colors, photography, fonts and reference websites.
Desktop VS. mobile homepage.

La Canasta rebranding & website redesign

La Canasta rebranding & website redesign

Personal work, re-branding and redesign of the organic food & fair trade delivery business located in Bogotá, Colombia: La Canasta.
