Be Dynamic
Art Direction / Copywriting - Max Nagro, Alexandria Clotfelter, Kayla Berry

Insight - Consumers interested in Nooka products are interested in showing their individuality though fashion.

Big Idea - Using headlines that direct the consumer to “be” different, the product is shown as a centerpiece not just an accessory. Using street teams and nontraditional advertising calls attention to the brand for people who might not pay attention to traditional advertising.
Print Ad 1
Print Spread 2
Print Spread 3
Subway Wrap
Laser Tag
We will be sending out street teams to "tag" Nooka's logo and headlines around busy metropolitan areas, in order to spread hype for the brand. This system projects onto walls, buildings and other large structures from a mobile truck. The logo can be displayed and people can also virtually tag on the building using a laser pointer and some software. This new, non-destructive graffiti would catch our target market's attention.
LED Throwies
We will be sending out our street teams to tag Nooka's logo and headlines around busy metropolitan areas using LED Throwies. LED Throwies are a new non-destructive graffiti technique that consists of an LED taped to a battery and a rare earth magnet. Once assembled, just throw it towards something metal and watch it stick. Our street teams would all converge on specific locations and place the LED Throwies on metallic sculptures, walls and other locations in order to spread PR and hype for the brand, as well as to give out some free stuff. Permission from the authorities and property owners, as well as cleaning up the next day, would all be included.
LED "Throwies" consist of a light bulb, battery, rare earth magnet and some tape. (Shown Stacked)
Example of LED "Throwies" in action (Graffiti Research Lab)


Be Dynamic Nooka Art Direction / Copywriting - Max Nagro, Alexandria Clotfelter, Kayla Berry Insight - Consumers interested in Nooka products a 阅读更多内容
