Vladi Păunescu's profile

Map \ United Villages of Maramureș

No sooner had I talked about Satele Unite ale Maramureșului that I'm doing it again, this time by diversifying this portfolio's creative media. Since the traditional festival needed a map to go around the 63 villages taking part into it, we opted for an illustrated one, as merry as the Săpânța Cemetery.

Full size available here, the map gives a jolly insight on the region's nature, people and man-made thingies. If you ever go on a tour of Romanian region of Maramureș, this is what we called THE FRIENDLY MAP OF THE ROMANIAN WILD NORTH-WEST.
Map \ United Villages of Maramureș

Project Made For

Map \ United Villages of Maramureș

July 2016. Illustrated map for the Maramureș Festival.
