WTF Network Commercial // "Pussy Planet"

WTF Network Commercial // "Pussy Planet"
Selected shots from the commercial: "Pussy Planet", inspired on the Hollywood low budget "B-Movies" made for the Portuguese mobile network NOS - WTF.
Produced by with the collaboration of amazing and multi-talented team.

:: Full Credits ::
Production company: Playground
Director: Rui Vieira // Dop: André Szankowski
Client: NOS - WTF  // Agency: Havas
Post-production - Dialogue // Producer - César Furtado
Compositor - Nuno Caroço
Smoke Simulations - Tiago André Alves, David Negrão
Animation - David Negrão, Fernando Carmo, Tiago André Alves
Roto Artist - Igor Gama
Modelers - David Negrão, Tiago André Alves
Matte Painting - David Negrão, Nuno Caroço, César Furtado, Igor Gama
WTF Network Commercial // "Pussy Planet"

WTF Network Commercial // "Pussy Planet"

Compositing and Post Prodution work for TV Spot of NOS/WTF, Portuguese mobile network .
