Over the past year, especially these last few months police
brutality has been in the wind all across social media, in regards
to there actions towards the black community and how black 
people are treated when on remand in police custody.
This has been a major concern in America but now people are
addressing the matter here in the UK too. Its a sensitive matter 
to address because if you say the wrong thing you can be deemed
as un-concerned or even racist. In recent past Black people have
been seriously hurt or even killed by police, people have had 
enough and are now taking action, by protesting and taking there
anger to the streets.

There has now been many peaceful protests across the UK, one 
taking place in Liverpool City Centre, which I chose to attend on 
the 16th July, 2016 to show support but also to capture the 
event taking place to demonstrate how strongly this matter is 
being taken by the British public.

An unfortunate coincidence took place just a few days before this
peaceful protest was planned to occur. The young Mzee Mohammed,
aged 18 from Liverpool died whilst in the hands of the police in 
Liverpool City Centre. This resulted in an even bigger turn out to be 
expected at the march due to this young mans death.

Through out the march I witnessed a lot of young black males 
hooded up coming across rather thuggish, which begs the question
where these men here to cause chaos or where they simply scared of
being noticed by the police, not wanting them to know there identity.
At first I was quite skeptical about the #blacklivesmatter scenario but
after going out and witnessing for myself the pain and devastation put 
on people, I believe if its being spoken about and people are taking action 
then there is a problem somewhere that needs addressing politically.

Photography truly hurts” 
                                                                      - Mauricio Hora
Black Lives Matter
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Projet réalisé pour

Black Lives Matter

Out capturing the Black Lives Matter March on the 16th July, 2016 in Liverpool City Centre.

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