A short firefight animation studi usin Animdessin extension.
Mouse-drawn on Ps. Noise/cam/color tweaks in Ae  and sound design in Pr.
The Animedessin extension for Photoshop allowed me to work using its timeline approach as a layer based compositing. So timelines were used as "precomps" to each separate compositing element, from each character parts  and smoke/spark effects to overall lighting and shadows. First i created a fast "stick figure" animatic as reference to build up the animated final elements.

A 320 frames animation, 1254 layers were created distributed in 65 timelines and curiously, the psd ended up as a 6.52G file. 
Reference animatic built:
Some highlights:
Thank you! 
Western Shootout

Western Shootout

A less than one minute cartoon firefight in a straight-ahead / cell animation study on Photoshop.
