University year 1 project- My 3 selected elements to research are: Copper, Gold and Nitrogen. The aim is to create a typographic image for each element, using a minimal amount of digital media.
Photographs taken at the Sedgwick museum in Cambridge, as well as around Norwich and Cambridge city centres.
Oxidisation of copper using fertiliser. I though I could use this technique in an interesting way- potentially painting words onto the surface of the metal using the fertiliser solution.
Created using copper wire. Writing out an interesting fact for each element could work well.
'Copper' formed using copper pipes.
Finalised idea for Copper
I visited a Gold-themed exhibition at the Fitzwilliam museum to gather the majority of my photographs.
The intention with this idea was to create a depiction of a goldsmith's workshop. I used gold-coloured wire to form the title 'Gold is where you find it' (a 1938 American romantic drama film), creating an alternative poster for the film.
Very small particles of gold are found in sea water, hence the depiction of the word 'gold' on the beach.
Nitrogen is essential for photosynthesis in plants. Therefore, I took photographs at the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens. The exotic flora on display here would make a good basis for my design.
Nitrogen is also used in the production of bombs, so I thought it would be beneficial to create a second design depicting this. These are some images I took at the Aviation museum in Norwich to reflect wartime. 
Making stencils and using seeds to create an evolving letter N.
My chosen quote for my nitrogen design was 'in peace for mankind, in war for the country'. This reflects the two uses of the element (in fertilisers to aid food production, and in bombs to defend/ attack a country in war).
My final poster (far right) uses a collage of fruit and vegetables (taken from seed catalogues) on a brown felt background (representing the soil). My initial ideas using salt as a fertiliser substitute were less successful, as the words were distorted and difficult to read.
Finalised 2nd poster design depicting Nitrogen's use during war.
Alternative idea. Nitrogen is commonly found in fertiliser, and helps plants to grow healthily (as depicted by the cress in the image above). Images taken over a period of 1 week.
Elements of the Periodic Table

Elements of the Periodic Table
