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Dinosaurs – Dawn to Extinction

Dinosaurs – Dawn to Extinction
Temporary Exhibition, Artscience Museum, Opened January 2014

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction is spread through 8 galleries in the Artscience Museum, Singapore combing 3exhibitions in a seamless experience which spans hundreds of million years. Real fossils, replica skeletons and amazing fleshed out models are placed next to artworks by celebrated artist Peter Trusler fusing Art and Science together.

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction starts its journey billions of years before Dinosaurs discovering the first life in the ocean and how these simple organisms evolved into sea creatures that would later crawl out onto land and evolve into species we recognise. The first chapter explores this strange underwater world with drifting shards illuminated with gentle ripples of light which reflect the start of the continental drift. Along the Gallery edges works by Peter Trusler and associated fossils tell the story of life millions of years ago.

The next two chapter’s looks at life before Dinosaurs where Crocodile like reptiles were the dominant species on the planet. These three galleries contain some of the most exciting specimens from the Dawn of the Dinosaurs collection, ending with the awe-inspiring battle scene between the great Lessemsaurus and Fasolasuchus. Bespoke plinths with fleshed out models, skeleton reconstructions and mural backdrops lead the visit through the Triassic period, the light becoming more and more dramatic with each step, the day’s light fading, a metaphor for the time of the Crocodile like reptiles time fading. In chapter three a ramp starts leading visitors to a viewing platform where the awe-inspiring centrepiece of the exhibition can be found.

Dinosaurs – Dawn to Extinction

Dinosaurs – Dawn to Extinction

Dinosaurs: Dawn to Extinction, the biggest and most eagerly awaited exhibition in Singapore puts Dinosaurs in their place, exploring what came be Read More
