Hindu Calendar
The Hindu calendar is not a simple one. Hindu’s follow a lunisolar and a solar calendar. Since my calendar needed to have the festivals, I followed the lunisolar calendar. I decided to create a calendar which has a combination of the Gregorian and Hindu information.

The typeface chosen for this project was the sans serif Futura because of its simple, geometric, clean, and crisp characteristics. 

Modern Hindu Calendar:
I wanted to create something that is user friendly and simple. Therefore, I created and accordion with 12 pockets for each month. The line element is present in the modern calendar which separates the two sets of information. The Hindu information was placed below the line and the Gregorian was placed above. The festivals have been highlighted for each month.

Post-modern Hindu Calendar:
The focus of this calendar was the vast amount of time in the 4th era (Kali Yuga) of the Hindu calendar. To represent the amount of time, a 2.5 meter scroll was created with the information of the era itself. The use of the line is also present in this version of the calendar. Each vertical line represents 200 years, adding up to a total of 432,000 years. The scroll also shows where the year 2012 is according to the era.

This project was exhibited at the "Remember the Day" typography exhibition at the American University in Dubai.
Hindu Calendar

Hindu Calendar

Brief: Create a modern and post-modern calendar based on choice of topic.


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