Jaewon Hwang's profile

Social Media Filter

Lisa helps you filter what you share on social
media using artificial intelligence.

Lisa is an intelligent personal assistant that helps you filter what you share on social media. Lisa was designed to improve the experience of managing your online privacy and reputation. Lisa uses natural language processing to understand the content being shared and assess how it can be construed by the people it's being shared to. Think of Lisa as a mediator between you and people you want to reach via social networking services.
Simply connect your social media accounts.

Lisa works with every major social networking services. Simply connect your accounts to Lisa and you can post content to multiple channels simultaneously. Furthermore, Lisa will track what you share across all your online accounts and will notify you if it finds any potential issues.
No more reading every single post you share.

Once you link your social media accounts, Lisa can automatically start filtering out any potential risks from your old posts on the connected social media accounts. When you tap the 'Review' button, Lisa shows you any risky content and how to eliminate potential risk factors. Here are the examples of risks Lisa can find.
Share content with confidence thanks to Lisa.

By scanning the content you are about share, Lisa can preemptively lay assess any potential risks and consequences before you post to social media. Based on this assessment, Lisa can recommend ways to avert undesirable consequences, such as; narrowing your audience and removing certain content.
Lisa learns about new changes in Privacy Policy
and Privacy Settings in social media services.

When a social network provider updates their privacy policy or adds new settings to better
improve people's privacy, Lisa can notify you so you can stay informed with the latest
knowledge without having to do the research yourself.
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Social Media Filter

Social Media Filter

I created a user interface for filtering what people post on their social media to better control their online privacy and reputation.
