Damsel’s tottems.
a Board game where you need to be faster than the others.

To achieve this project in team we needed to follow certain steps; the primary one is to know and play various board game out of the commercial ones that can be founded in the supermarkets. Damsels Totems team were in the labor of going out to found people that play this games so we could interview them, the information we need after knowing the different games is understanding why the gamers like it or why not. Until this point we used to use the resources of Design thinking by searching problems, opportunity chances, propose solutions, ethnography to distinguish the group of people that we were going to analyze and focus. Emotional charts were our daily bread, for the reason every time we see someone playing we used to make this King of charts were the emotions are value in relation with the time playing.
The last and laborious thing to do was prototyping our ideas to archive a better presentation of the final game, thinking in different ways to manufacture it, since 3D printers to cooked mass to make our prototype realistic. In another points the people needed to finish the project are not only the people of the team, also the experts: people that sell this games that play for more than 5 years that game, graphic designers and printers shops.

The industrial Design is this project, we need to merge in the basics of the thing we are going to focus, merge in the past of understanding why it appear, why the people use it or not used it, why it means to the people, make the full ethnography study, investigations about the competences, and more important; the reactions of the people that used it. Being an Industrial Design we don´t have just to create things that work or solve one issue, we should focus on the mentality of the people and try to improve it with experiences, dynamics, aesthetical, materials and all the things that can be feel with our senses.
Actually I want to focus on the Automotive industry, at the moment I work on that area, I hope that in few years it will radically change, we don´t need more cars that pollute the environment, that uses a lot of space, that means danger to other living beings, the transport need to change, not only in the aesthetical characteristic, the concept need to be updated.
Damsels Tottems

Damsels Tottems

Board Game Photography by Lizbeth Martinez
